What is cellular metabolism? How do different organisms and different cells acquire energy, process and store energy? What factors can affect the rate at which organisms can metabolize? These are the major questions we will explore in Unit 2!
Lab 6: What types of experiments can help us answer these questions? We will begin by researching the processes of cellular metabolism: respiration and photosynthesis. You will explore these concepts and research various factors that may influence the rate of each process in crayfish and chloroplasts, respectively. You will review the scientific process, design two experiments and begin to construct research proposals for Lab 7 and Lab 8. You will chose which experiment you'd like to include in a scientific paper as your end product for this unit.
Lab 7: What factors affect the rate of cellular respiration in crayfish?Your task in Lab 7 is to design and carryout an experiment regarding the rate of cellular respiration in crayfish. How will we measure the rate of cellular respiration? ...By measuring the CO2 produced as a bi-product of the metabolic process! You will place your crayfish in an aquatic environment and allow it to "respire." After a set period of time (decided by you), you will remove the crayfish and analyze how much CO2 was produced as a result of cellular respiration.
Lab 8: What factors affect the rate of the light reactions in chloroplasts?Your task in Lab 7 is to design and carryout an experiment regarding the rate of photosynthesis. You will be provided with a solution of active chloroplast. The extraction processwill be completed before lab. It's delicate and time intensive! You will create several environments, in test tubes, in which your chloroplasts can proceed through the process of photosynthesis