CONNECTION ALERT! Cellular respiration is the topic of Chapter 9 in your BIOL 120 lecture. Please review your textbook as needed for this lab.
Energy is the currency of life: all living organisms require energy to survive and reproduce. Metabolism is the series of reactions and processes, catalyzed by enzymes, which together maintain life. These reactions fall into two types: catabolic or anabolic. These processes are the inverse of each other and in photosynthetic organisms occur in tandem as the anabolic reactions of photosynthesis create the products that are then broken down by the catabolic reactions of cellular respiration (view figure at left). There are two general classes of cellular respiration that are characterized by their relative efficiency (ATP production): anaerobic (without oxygen) and aerobic (oxygenated) respiration. We are focusing on aerobic respiration in this lab, which is a highly efficient process occurring within the mitochondria of eukaryotic organisms that have higher energy requirements for survival. In a 4 step process, oxygen and glucose are used to produce energy (ATP), H2O, and CO2, |
![]() Review the YouTube video below on titration with phenollphthalein so you have a good idea of what to expect in lab! Special Note! You have no doubt noticed the importance of sample size for this experiment to work well. Depending on your lab size, timing, and proposals, you may be asked to share data as a class or among several groups testing the same variables. You may also be asked to pick just one variable and all test it together as a class. |
Lab 7: ProtocolIn today's lab you will work with your lab group to conduct your experiment and begin to analyze your data.
Exercise I. Review your research proposal and the pre-lab and revise where necessary Exercise II. Conduct your experiment & collect data Exercise III. Analyze your data |
Remember: Basic solutions are pink with the phenolphthalein indicator and acidic solutions are clear. The crayfish will expel CO2, making the solution more acidic and closer to "clear."
Procedure. Set-up and begin condition 1, your experimental control.
Obtain the appropriate treatment solution depending on your test.
REMEMBER why we have to use titration! In an aqueous environment, CO2 combines with water to first create carbonic acid, which is then broken down into hydrogen ions. The addition of H+ ions results in a change in pH: the pH decreases and becomes more acidic. The introduction of CO2 from the crayfish would have lowered the pH some, but not enough in 20 minutes to make it acidic enough to turn clear. The CO2 released is transformed to carbonic acid which we can measure with this equation.
Remember: Statistics solve the problem of determining if "more" or "higher" or "different" than is actually enough to be important and biological relevant. Using the principles of probability, they help us parse what we observe from randomness (chance alone) as meaning (a real difference, or a real relationship). Statistics tell us how likely we would be to make the same observations we have made, if chance and randomness were the only drivers. If the probability is very low (<5%), we refer to these patterns as significant.
Comparing the single data points you have is an OK way to test for differences in respiration rate. But, ideally we would have a larger sample size (using class data) and statistics. Now, what type of statistics should we use to determine if the mean respiration rate between our 2 groups is significantly different? ...hopefully this is an easy answer. A T-test! We need to determine if the mean umols carbonic acid (H2CO3) produced in your two conditions are close enough to be the same or far enough a part to be different.
We are conducting experiments to identify factors that affect the physiological process of cellular respiration in crayfish. Similarly, Dr. Noah Ashley's lab works to identify physiological, immunological, and behavioral responses to various factors, like sickness and sleep loss, in mice and birds. Specifically, they are investigating the costs and benefits of the sickness response in vertebrates, the inflammatory response in sleep-deprived mice, sleep loss in migratory birds, and the sleep-wake cycle in arctic songbirds. Dr. Ashley's lab is extremely productive! His research proposals have been funded by the NSF and the NIH. Learn more here (Lab Web Page). You just might recognize one of his current graduate students! |