Bushmeat Processing: Using aseptic techniques, the bushmeat samples are cut into approximately 1 cc sections. They labeled and stored in ethanol at -20 degrees Celsius. Special care is taken to ensure no cross-contamination or human contamination occurs. Samples are then carried back or shipped to the WKU biotechnology Center. -----> This has already been done. |
This process is similar to the extraction we completed with the strawberry. However it involves many more steps and results in a cleaner product with far less protein. We use special "kits" as pictured to streamline the process. Digestion liquefies the tissue in such a way that keeps the DNA intact for extraction. Once extraction is complete, the DNA sample is tested to ensure an adequate amount of intact DNA was extracted from the sample. -----> This process has already been done with our meat samples. In Lab 10, you will practice extracting DNA from a strawberry to better understand this process |
PCR makes copies of a DNA fragment from one original copy. The goal is to amplify a specific region, the target DNA or gene of interest (GoI), depending on the type or goal of research. The PCR cocktail includes the following ingredients: the DNA sample, primers (short sequences of RNA or DNA that start replication), dNTPs (free nucleotides), taq polymerase (a heat stable form of DNA polymerase derived from bacteria) and a buffer solution. There are three steps to PCR in which the temperature is cycled (in the thermo"cyler"). You need to know the steps and what happens in each! The total number of resulting DNA strands is (the number of original strands) X 2^n, where n = the number of PCR cycles. -----> In Lab 11, you will be given PCR products from our meat samples in lab and asked make some calculations. |
Agarose gel electrophoresis is a method used to separate DNA strands by size, and to determine the size of the separated strands by comparison to strands of known length. Your PCR products are deposited in the top of the gel. Using electricity, the DNA (with a negative charge) is pushed through the gel towards the positive electrode. As your gel "runs," the DNA is separated by size. The DNA strands show up as bands under UV light and you can read the results. Your products can be compared with the ladder or marker, which has standard sized DNA fragments of KNOWN length used for comparison. In this way, you can know the exact length of your DNA samples. -----> You will MAKE & RUN an agorose gel in Lab 11 to make sure our PCR product contains the cytochrome b gene. |
Once we know we have amplified (copied) the right gene we are ready to sequence the gene. We expect the sequence (the order of As, Ts, Cs and Gs) within the cytochrome b gene to be different for different species. Samples are placed into a sequencer apparatus which can detect the order of nucleotide bases in our sample. The sequence is then cleaned and edited, |
6) BLASTing: The National Institute of Health (NIH) and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) hosts a database called GenBank, which houses all known DNA sequences. Once the sequences of our samples are ready, they are pasted into a search tool (called a BLAST) which matches them to the correct species! -----> You will be provided the sequence of successful samples in Lab 11 and asked to determine the species of origin in lab. |
Procedure: First we need to create our gel.
Procedure. Run your gel.
We use two types of controls in DNA analysis. We start running both from the very beginning, through PCR, onto to gel electrophoresis and through to sequencing. If either control results in an incorrect identification, we have to start the ENTIRE process over and all our results are considered invalid